Defuel & Store
What are the charges for Defuel & Store services?
Charges for defuel and store are computed based on the number of days and the volume. Please drop us an email at for more details.
What are the checks you do to ensure quality fuel storing standards?
We do control checks (appearance & density checks) and water detection checks that comply with JIG standards.
What is your company response time for fuel storage request?
At least two (2) working days’ notice to allow for preparation of equipment and manpower.
What are the timings for storage operation support?
We can only transport fuel between 7am to 7pm under SCDF regulation. We can respond outside of this timing as long as if does not require traveling on the road with fuel.
Do you carry out disposal of waste fuel?
Yes, we provide aviation fuel disposal. Two (2) working days’ notice is required.
Engineering Works
What type of maintenance do you provide?
E.g. General maintenance of fuel storage facilities, such as tank cleaning, filter element change and other maintenance work on fuel facility
We also provide design and commissioning consultancy on fuel storage and delivering system. This includes turn key project for Design, Build and Operate (DBO) arrangements.
Sales of Products
Are you able to deliver fuel into customers systems? E.g. Depot, Ships
We can do so, as long as configuration and point of loading permits.
Other Services
What are our fuel sales prices?
Please email our Sales team at for more details.
Is GST applicable for Jet fuel purchase?
GST is not applicable for outbound flight and export.
Are customers able to use their own containers to purchase jet fuel?
Yes. Provided the containers are compatible and they provide us with an indemnity.
Are customers allowed to do self collection of jet fuel?
Yes. Provided their vehicle meets SCDF requirements if they carry more than a stipulated quantity.
Can customers buy fuel for storage?
Yes. However, the customer has to provide a copy of Flammable & Petroleum Storage License for the storage site.
Can you do re-doping of fuel to correct the FSII to meet specifications?